SECSWhat's inside the box:
⚠️ IMPORTANT! Do not mix oil with water.
Open the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).
Search for "Aromely" in the search bar.
Click on the Aromely app from the search results.
Tap Download (iPhone) or Install (Android).
Once the app is installed, open it.
When prompted, allow Bluetooth permissions to enable device connectivity.
Open the Aromely App.
On the home screen, you will see several options.
To manage your diffuser, tap on "Manage Diffusers".
This will take you to the device management screen, where you can add, configure, and control your diffuser.
💡 Additional Features on the Home Screen:
Language Selection: Tap the globe icon at the top right to switch the app language from English (default) to Spanish.
Quick Access: The Scent Diffusers, Diffuser Oils, and Room Sprays buttons provide direct links to Aromely products on the website for easy browsing.
After tapping "Manage Diffusers", the app will display a list of all available Aromely diffusers within Bluetooth range.
The diffusers will automatically appear once Bluetooth permissions have been granted.
Each diffuser will display its name and signal strength (green for strong, red for weak).
At the bottom of the screen, you will find a "Setup Instructions" button. Tapping this button will provide access to user guides and instructions for easier setup.
Select a Diffuser:
After completing Step 3, tap on the diffuser you want to manage.
This will open the Diffuser Details and Working Mode screen.
Understanding the Diffuser Details Section:
Customer Service Icon (Top Right):
This allows Aromely support to remotely access your diffuser for troubleshooting.
Available only during business hours.
Settings Icon (Below Customer Service Icon):
Tap this to change the default diffuser password to a custom password (optional).
Name & Note:
You can rename your diffuser or add a custom note (e.g., "Master Room - Peaceful").
Fan Setting:
Some diffusers have a fan control option, but not all models support this feature.
If your diffuser does not have a fan, this control will not appear in the app.
Understanding the Working Mode Section:
Time Display (Clock Icon):
Tap to switch between 12-hour mode (AM/PM) and 24-hour military time.
Adding a Schedule (Plus + Icon):
Tap the + icon to create a new schedule.
You can add up to 5 different schedules for each diffuser.
Modifying a Schedule (Pencil Icon):
Tap the pencil icon on the left side of any schedule to edit it.
Activating or Deactivating a Schedule (On/Off Switch):
Each schedule has a toggle switch to enable or disable it.
Select the Diffuser:
Follow Step 4 to access the Working Mode section.
Tap the pencil icon on an existing schedule to edit it or tap the + icon to create a new one.
Set Scheduled Days:
Select the days the schedule should be active (e.g., Monday to Friday).
Days will be highlighted when selected.
Set Active Hours:
Choose the Start Time (when the diffuser turns on).
Choose the End Time (when the diffuser turns off).
Set Diffusion Cycle:
Diffusion Time: Set how long the diffuser will work during each cycle (e.g., 30 seconds).
Pause Time: Set how long the diffuser will pause between diffusion cycles (e.g., 60 seconds).
Save the Schedule:
Tap “Apply Schedule” to save your settings.
Deleting a Schedule:
To remove a schedule, tap the trash icon in the top-right corner.
Open the Technical Support Screen:
Tap the Customer Service icon (headset icon) in the Diffuser Details section.
This will open the Technical Support page.
How to Contact Support:
Call the technical support number displayed on the screen.
Provide the representative with your Service Tag Code to identify your device.
If you need remote assistance, the support team can access your diffuser during business hours.
Business Hours & Availability:
If you access the page outside of business hours, the screen will display a “Closed” message.
Support is available from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (EST) on business days.
Ending a Remote Support Session:
If you granted remote access for troubleshooting, you can end the session at any time by tapping “End Remote Support Session”.
We hope this quick guide has been helpful to you. If you have any further questions or require additional assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us using the form below. We're always here to help, and we'll do our best to provide you with the information you need.
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